

Wedding Bookings at least 6 months notice to the Parish office. Please check with the office before making any other arrangements that the date you want for your wedding is available. All weddings are 1pm unless arranged with the Priest for a different time.

Please contact Parish Office during normal office hours to book.

All couples who wish to marry in the Republic of Ireland are required to serve a minimum of 3 months notice, to a registrar, of their intention to marry. You must book an appointment with a Registrar in order to serve notice.

Please note that both parties to the marriage must attend in person to serve their notice and receive their marriage licence. The 3 months notice begins on the day that you both personally attend and meet with the Registrar at your appointment.

The contact details of all Civil Registration Service offices and additional information pertaining to Getting Married in the Republic of Ireland and Civil Partnerships is available at the following link It is advisable to read this information prior to booking your appointment to meet the Registrar to serve notice of your intention to marry/enter a civil partnership.

In this diocese, Church weddings can take place on any day other than Sundays and major feast days.